I've been in a bit of a blogging slump lately. It's seems that I'm awfully busy, but nothing seems "momentous" enough to blog about. But then I remind myself that I'm blogging to remember my every day life, not to astound my readers (few though they may be) with the fabulously exciting life style that I lead!
I did have a wee bit of excitement lately when Abby and I took the girls to Great Wolf Lodge. This is a nice family-oriented hotel just south of Olympia with an attached indoor water park. None of the guys seemed all that interested in going, so we decided to make it a girls' mini-vacation. When we got there, we were able to upgrade to a Kids' Cabin room, so the girls had their own little cabin with bunk beds in the room:
There were so many cute little details in the room and the girls loved it!
The water park was outstanding! There was a wave pool, kiddie pool area with small slides, two big slides and two enormous slides. In this view from our room you can see the two enormous slides:
There were spurting fountains everywhere - no chance at all of staying dry!
And every fifteen minutes or so this huge bucket dumped 1000 gallons of water!
The first day Abby took Isobel on the more adventuresome slides and I stayed with Mei-Mei in the wave pool and kiddies pool area. However, on the second day, Mei-Mei got her courage up and went on one of the big slides. I was really worried, because she can be rather timid, so Mom was up at the top and I was down at the bottom to catch her. The look on her face as she came down was pure joy! After that there was no stopping her and I lost track of how many times we went down the slide. Since Mom and Isobel went off to do other things and Mei-Mei could not go up the stairs by herself, that meant that every time she went, Nana went! I'd go down the slide first and be there to catch her at the bottom. Hubby mentioned that there didn't seem to be any photos of Abby or me. I only took out my non-waterproof iPhone for a few pictures and Abby and I were usually in separate places with the girls. Even if I had a picture of me in a bathing suit, there is NO way I would post it in my blog!!
Lots of knitting was accomplished on the long drive down, since Abby drove. I made a lot of progress on Ben's sweater, but no photos. When I came home I started thinking about my friend, Karen, who has been diagnosed with breast cancer and is having a mastectomy today. I decided to make her a prayer shawl and chose Summerflies as the pattern. I found some beautiful Merino/Silk in her favorite color at my LYS:
And today my Knit Picks order arrived! I ordered some Stroll Glimmer - black with sparkle to make Haruni.
This is going to be my Ravelympics project. I have joined the Knit Companion team and hope to start and complete the shawl during the summer Olympics. I wanted something with sparkle to wear on the cruise we're taking in the fall!!! Hubby and I decided we wanted to do something spectacular for our 40th wedding anniversary. We never really had a honeymoon, so we are going to be sailing from Seattle to San Francisco, Mexico, Costa Rica, Columbia and the Panama Canal. I am beyond excited!
To round out my order, I got some blocking mats and more sock yarn. So, I guess there is a lot going on to blog about. I have a couple of photos that Abby had framed for us hanging in the hall. The caption is, "Life is made up not of milestones, but of moments." How true that is!
Sounds like you and the girls had a lot of fun. Your upcoming trip sounds wonderful.
Posted by: Kristyn | June 14, 2012 at 07:14 PM
Summerflies sounds a whole lot more attractive once I realized 'flies' is a verb and not a noun...
Looks like you and the girls had a big bucket of fun!
Posted by: gayle | June 15, 2012 at 04:29 AM
Yes, it is an unfortunate name, isnt it? I think this mini-vacation will be one the girls will talk about for a long time!
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Posted by: Dorothy | June 15, 2012 at 09:48 AM
Cant wait. I need to start planning my knitting. Im on a discussion forum of people who are on the same cruise and theres already another knitter looking to form a group!
Sent from my iPad
Posted by: Dorothy | June 15, 2012 at 09:50 AM
Oh, the cruise sounds fabulous! You will love the canal, which cruise line are you going on?
Posted by: Lorette | June 22, 2012 at 01:29 PM
Were going on Celebrity. We are very excited! Its our first cruise. Someone said we were really jumping off the deep end with a 17 day cruise for our first experience. But I know well love it. Still not sure exactly what cabin well have. We booked through a military travel agency and got a great price on an outside cabin, but the agent said she was going to work very hard to get us a free upgrade to a balcony. Ive recently taken up running, trying to get in shape for a 5k. I think Ill really need that to counteract all of the good food!
Posted by: Dorothy | June 24, 2012 at 05:40 PM
Great to hear from you. Sounds like you and your girls had a fun getaway. We've wondered about Wolfcreek, so it was nice to read about it from someone who'd been there. Thanks for the link to the shawl; it's really pretty, and I think your friend will appreciate it a lot. It's always nice to know people care.
Posted by: Judy | June 25, 2012 at 09:05 PM
What a fun girls' getaway!
Summerflies is lovely, and has been in my queue a while. Healing thoughts for your friend.
My husband and daughter just ran their first 5K. If my husband can do it, you can!
Posted by: Kristen | June 26, 2012 at 06:08 AM