No, not Unidentified Flying Objects - but Unfinished Objects. In the knitting and quilting world, this is a very real thing, as most of us have lots of unfinished projects lying around. Projects that were much loved when they were begun, but have been laid aside when we get bored or the latest new shiny thing comes around. One of the comments I get most about my needlework is, "Oh, you have so much patience!" Actually I don't, and I don't know anyone in my circle of needle crafters who does. We are the least patient people in the world and are constantly on the look out for something to assuage boredom.
Each year our quilt guild sponsors a UFO Challenge. You list at least 8 projects that need to be finished or at least taken to the next stage. For instance, you might list finishing the piecing on a quilt. The reason they do it this way is to make things fair for those of us who do all our own piecing and quilting versus those who piece only and send their tops out to be quilted by someone else. At the end of the year, if you finish your list, you get a prize and entered into a drawing for a grand prize. Last year, I not only finished and got my prize, I got the grand prize! Linda and Donna, the sponsors, will quilt a quilt for me on their long arm.
I debated about entering this year. It does put some minor pressure on me and there were times when I wanted to work on something else, but felt obligated to work on my UFO list. But, I decided the worst thing that can happen is I don't finish the list and no puppies will die. So, for the record, here is my list:
1.Quilt and bind Retro Ribbons
2.Quilt and bind Air Birds (see photo below)
3.Quilt and bind Ursa Major
3.Finish applique on Tulip Quilt (see photos below)
4.Piece a Community Quilt from 2 1/2" scraps
5.Quilt and bind Dog Quilt
6.Finish piecing Smooth Sailing
7. Finish piecing Rhapsody
Right now I'm concentrating on Air Birds and the Tulip Quilt. Last year Bill had asked me to make him a quilt to hang by his computer desk. He picked out the pattern and colors. As I started hand quilting it, I was trying to decide on a design for the large open areas. Together with Bill we came up with this design that looks like an airplane prop with the wind swirling around it.
Then, I noticed that the darker pieces looked like birds! So I've decided the name of this quilt will be "Air Birds".
Today I'm prepping lots and lots of leaves for the borders of the Tulip Quilt. This is the last of 416 leaves!
I can really see the light at the end of the tunnel on this one. All of the squares and setting triangles are done and just the borders are left.
Late last month we took the granddaughters to Snow Camp. We had to miss it last year because of my back surgery, so it was really special to be able to go this year. I did some cross country skiing with Isobel, but after falling four times decided I was pushing my luck. Next year I will do snow shoeing instead. Although Ivy ( and she now prefers to be called Ivy rather than Mei-Mei) did play in the snow, she seemed perfectly content to laze around by the fire and joined in our knitting class. She perfected what we referred to as yoga knitting.
A little cold today, but finally we have some sun! It's the first sunny day we've had in almost a month - and so much rain we have a lake in our backyard and across our driveway. However, I'm not complaining. We don't have to shovel it, and by next week I expect to have daffodils blooming!
Wow, your daffodils are almost blooming? Ours are up but not nearly ready to pop. The crocus show some promise though, that is if the squirrels and rabbits leave them be. Love your pretty projects!
Posted by: Judy Shaw | February 11, 2018 at 02:07 PM
One of the first things we noticed when we moved here 40 years ago was how early the daffodils bloomed. Of course, it lulls you into a false feeling that spring is just around the corner when we still have a couple of months to go! And it really doesn’t start getting really warm here until after the 4th of July. That’s ok - just more time to stay inside quilting!
On Feb 11, 2018, at 2:07 PM, Typepad wrote:
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Wow, your daffodils are almost blooming? Ours are up but not nearly ready to pop. The crocus show some promise though, that is if the squirrels and rabbits leave them be. Love your pretty projects!
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Posted by: Dorothy | February 11, 2018 at 03:46 PM
So good to hear from you! I was just sitting in my sewing room, feeling guilty because of the (what I believed to be) huge number of UFOs. If you are naming only eight of yours, I might be okay...I think I have seven or eight...which will all be put on hold since my daughter-in-law just reminded me last night that my granddaughter will be here in just eight weeks. Eeeek!
Stay well and post photos of your daffodils the moment they bloom!
Jan in PA where we just got a fresh infusion of snow!
Posted by: Jan | February 12, 2018 at 05:47 AM
That looks like a lot of work. Thank goodness my UFO’s are hiding in storage. Out of sight out of mind ;-) hope your lake doesn’t turn into a skating rink. It’s sooo cold.
Posted by: Lifesastitch | February 22, 2018 at 07:41 PM